Results for 'Bianchi Massimo Luigi'

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  1.  8
    Commento alla Critica della facoltà di giudizio di Kant.Massimo Luigi Bianchi - 2005 - Grassina (Firenze): Le Monnier Università.
  2.  10
    Due immagini di Platone in età contemporanea: il neo-kantismo, Martin Heidegger.Massimo Luigi Bianchi & Francesco Fronterotta (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
  3.  21
    IL Conflitto Della Carne E Dello Spirito. La Teologia Della Riforma Radicale.Massimo Luigi Bianchi - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 16 (1):176-178.
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  4. Idea: VI Colloquio internazionale, Roma, 5-7 gennaio 1989: atti.Massimo Luigi Bianchi & Marta Fattori (eds.) - 1990 - Roma: Centro di studio del CNR.
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    Natura e sovrannatura nella filosofia tedesca della prima età moderna: Paracelsus, Weigel, Böhme.Massimo Luigi Bianchi - 2011 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
  6. Ordo: atti del II Colloquio internazionale: Roma, 7-9 gennaio 1977.Massimo Luigi Bianchi & Marta Fattori (eds.) - 1979 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri.
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    Organismi assoluti: sistema e ambiente, sviluppo ed evoluzione tra filosofia e scienze della vita.Massimo Luigi Bianchi - 2021 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    Res: 3o Colloquio Internazionale, Roma, 7-9 Gennaio 1980 : Atti.Massimo Luigi Bianchi & Marta Fattori - 1982 - Edizioni Dell'ateneo.
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  9. Storia Delle Idee Problemi E Prospettive.Massimo Luigi Bianchi & Paul Dibon - 1989 - Edizioni Dell'ateneo.
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  10. Signatura rerum: segni, magia e conoscenza da Paracelso a Leibniz.Massimo Luigi Bianchi - 1987 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo.
  11. Stona della filosofia Aa. Vv., Kant's Practical Philosophy Reconsidered. Papere presented at the Seventh Jerusalem PhilosophicaI Encounter December 1986, Edi-ted by Yirmiyahu Yovel, Kluwer Academic Publishere, Dordrecht-Bo-ston-London 1989, pp. X-262, sip. [REVIEW]Bianchi Massimo Luigi, Felice Domenico & S. Freedman Joseph - 1990 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 45:223.
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    BIANCHI, MASSIMO LUIGI Natura e sovrannatura nella filosofia tedesca della prima età moderna: Paracelsus, Weigel, Böhme, Leo S. Olschki, Firenze, 2011, 404 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico:430-433.
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  13. FATTORI Marta and Massimo Luigi Bianchi: Lessico Filosofico Dei Secoli.Richard Glauser - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (3):539-542.
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    Lessico del Paragranum di Theophrast von Hohenheim detto Paracelsus. Volume I: Indici. Massimo Luigi Bianchi.William Newman - 1991 - Isis 82 (3):560-561.
  15.  19
    Aπ ophma botanikon. De signaturis plantarum: Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione norimbergae 1653. Wolfgang ambrosius fabricius, Massimo Luigi Bianchi.Karen Reeds - 1998 - Isis 89 (1):135-136.
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    Introduzione a Paracelso.Massimo Bianchi - 1995 - Roma: Laterza.
  17. Spiritus, IV e Colloquio Internazionale del Lessico Intellettuale Europeo.Marta Fattori & Massimo Bianchi - 1986 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 91 (4):567-568.
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  18.  40
    Sustainability reporting and corporate identity: action research evidence in an Italian retailing cooperative.Massimo Battaglia, Lara Bianchi, Marco Frey & Emilio Passetti - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (1):52-72.
    Cooperatives are facing the challenge to be competitive in the market, without losing their traditional values of mutuality and democracy. To do that, they need to re-construct open and participative dialogue with their employees and members based on more democratic forms of communication and engagement. From this point of view, the measurement and communication of sustainability aspects may allow a dialogue to be mobilized with shareholders and stakeholders without losing the attention on competitive factors. Based on these premises, the article (...)
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  19. Le avventure del sentire. Il pensiero di Mario Perniola nel mondo.Enea Bianchi & Massimo Di Felice (eds.) - 2021 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis.
    Il 2021 segna gli ottant’anni dalla nascita di Mario Perniola, uno dei massimi filosofi italiani del secondo dopoguerra. Questo volume raccoglie interventi che esplorano la sua opera mostrandone la fertilità e sottolineando al tempo stesso la prossimità delle sue idee con le principali sfide del nostro tempo. Dall’Italia al Brasile, passando per gli Stati Uniti, l’Irlanda, la Francia, il Belgio, il Messico e la Cina, gli autori si soffermano su temi che comprendono l’estetica, la politica, la teoria della comunicazione, i (...)
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    Digging deeper on “deep” learning: A computational ecology approach.Massimo Buscema & Pier Luigi Sacco - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Note critiche / Critical notices.Luigi Dappiano, Jacek J. Jadacki, Massimo Libardi & Ryszard Puciato - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (3):413-462.
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    I linguaggi dell'assoluto.Massimo Raveri & Luigi Tarca (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    When Democratic Principles are not Enough: Tensions and Temporalities of Dialogic Stakeholder Engagement.Emilio Passetti, Lara Bianchi, Massimo Battaglia & Marco Frey - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1):173-190.
    Stakeholder engagement and dialogue have a central role in defining the relations between organisations and their internal and external interlocutors. Drawing upon the analysis of dialogic motifs, power–conflict dynamics and sociopolitical perspectives, and based on a set of interviews with the stakeholders of a consumer-owned cooperative, the research explores the dialogic potential of stakeholder engagement. The analysis revealed a fragmented picture where the co-design and co-implementation aspects were mainly related to the non-business areas of cooperative life, while business logic dominated (...)
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    Cháris: omaggio degli allievi a Emanuele Severino.Mario Capanna, Massimo Donà, Luigi Tarca & Emanuele Severino (eds.) - 2019 - Roma: Inschibboleth.
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    Empirical Scenarios of Fake Data Analysis: The Sample Generation by Replacement Approach.Massimiliano Pastore, Massimo Nucci, Andrea Bobbio & Luigi Lombardi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Note critiche.Ryszard Puciato, Jacek Juliusz Jadacki, Luigi Dappiano & Massimo Libardi - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (3):439-463.
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    Commentary on “Altered and asymmetric default mode network activity in a “hypnotic virtuoso”: An fMRI and EEG study” – Reply.Susanna Lipari, Francesca Baglio, Ludovica Griffanti, Laura Mendozzi, Massimo Garegnani, Achille Motta, Pietro Cecconi & Luigi Pugnetti - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):385.
  28.  13
    Massimo Di Felice, Net-attivismo. Dall’azione sociale all’atto connettivo. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2018 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 35.
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    Popolo, democrazia, libertà: l'impegno sociale e politico di Luigi Sturzo.Massimo Naro (ed.) - 2020 - Bologna: Società editrice Il mulino.
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    Il municipalismo di Luigi Sturzo: alle origini delle autonomie.Nicola Antonetti & Massimo Naro (eds.) - 2019 - Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino.
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    Signatura rerum: Segni, magia e conoscenza de Paracelso a LeibnizMassimo Luigi Bianchi.Steve Eardley - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):500-500.
  32. Prassi, cultura, realtà. Saggi in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis.Vinicio Busacchi, Pietro Salis & Simonluca Pinna (eds.) - 2020 - Milano-Udine: Mimesis Edizioni.
    A collection of essays dedicated to Pier Luigi Lecis' retirement. Contributors include: Mariano Bianca, Silvana Borutti, Vinicio Busacchi, Massimo Dell'Utri, Rosaria Egidi, Roberta Lanfredini, Giuseppe Lorini, Diego Marconi, Francesco Orilia, Paolo Parrini, Alberto Peruzzi, Simonluca Pinna, Pietro Salis, Paolo Spinicci.
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  33. Two Approaches to Modelling the Universe: Synthetic Differential Geometry and Frame-Valued Sets.John L. Bell - unknown
    I describe two approaches to modelling the universe, the one having its origin in topos theory and differential geometry, the other in set theory. The first is synthetic differential geometry. Traditionally, there have been two methods of deriving the theorems of geometry: the analytic and the synthetic. While the analytical method is based on the introduction of numerical coordinates, and so on the theory of real numbers, the idea behind the synthetic approach is to furnish the subject of geometry with (...)
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  34. The Incredible Shrinking Manifold.John L. Bell - unknown
    Traditionally, there have been two methods of deriving the theorems of geometry: the analytic and the synthetic. While the analytical method is based on the introduction of numerical coordinates, and so on the theory of real numbers, the idea behind the synthetic approach is to furnish the subject of geometry with a purely geometric foundation in which the theorems are then deduced by purely logical means from an initial body of postulates. The most familiar examples of the synthetic geometry are (...)
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    Il Cervelletto. Nuovi Studi di Fisiologia Normale e Patologica.Luigi Luciani - 1893 - Philosophical Review 2 (4):475-477.
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    Kant and the Scandal of Philosophy: The Kantian Critique of Cartesian Scepticism.Luigi Caranti - 2007 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Concept-less Schemata: The Reciprocity of Imagination and Understanding in Kant’s Aesthetics.Luigi Filieri - 2021 - Kantian Review 26 (4):511-529.
    In this paper, I discuss Kant’s concept-less schematism (KU, 5: 287) in the third Critique1 and make three claims: 1) concept-less schematism is entirely consistent with the schematism in the first Critique; 2) concept-less schematism is schematism with no empirical concept as an outcome; and 3) in accordance with 1) and 2), the imagination is free to synthesize the given manifold and leads to judgements of taste without this meaning either that the categories play no role at all or that (...)
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    “No Justice, No Peace”: Black Lives Matter, Institutional Racism, and Legal Order.Luigi D. A. Corrrias - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (1):94-110.
    Following the murder of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter-movement (BLM) took to the streets to protest against institutional racism. In these protests, one could often hear the slogan “No Justice, No Peace”. Drawing on legal theory, speech act theory and phenomenology, this article investigates what kind of justice and peace are called upon and how the slogan functions as a claim addressed to the legal order. First, the article shows that the rule of law provides a comprehensive normative framework (...)
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    Why does Kant Think that Democracy is Necessarily Despotic?Luigi Caranti - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (2):167-183.
    Kant’s criticism of democracy has been traditionally defused with the consideration that Kant’s aversion is not to democracy per se, but to direct democracy. However, what Kant says – ‘to prevent the republican constitution from being confused with the democratic one, as commonly happens’ (ZeF, 8: 351) – appears to count not only against direct democracy, but also against conceptions of democracy closer to the ones we are accustomed to. By offering a new account of what Kant sees as the (...)
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    Sympathy and moral sense: 1725–1740.Luigi Turco - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):79 – 101.
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    A new food security approach? Continuity and novelty in the European Union’s turn to preparedness.Luigi Pellizzoni, Laura Centemeri, Maura Benegiamo & Carla Panico - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    Preparedness is an anticipatory approach developed in the military and health sectors in response to unforeseen and unforeseeable crises and emergencies. It has recently entered the debate over the resilience and sustainability of European food systems. The paper seeks to shed light on the implications of the European Union's adoption of preparedness in its food security policy, particularly focusing on the preparatory phase and the early activity the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism (EFSCM), a consultative body launched (...)
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  42. A new food security approach? Continuity and novelty in the European Union’s turn to preparedness.Luigi Pellizzoni, Laura Centemeri, Maura Benegiamo & Carla Panico - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):89-105.
    Preparedness is an anticipatory approach developed in the military and health sectors in response to unforeseen and unforeseeable crises and emergencies. It has recently entered the debate over the resilience and sustainability of European food systems. The paper seeks to shed light on the implications of the European Union's adoption of preparedness in its food security policy, particularly focusing on the preparatory phase and the early activity the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism (EFSCM), a consultative body launched (...)
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    Emotions and decision making: Regulatory focus moderates the influence of anticipated emotions on action evaluations.Luigi Leone, Marco Perugini & Richard Bagozzi - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1175-1198.
  44. Civic Education and Citizen Science : Definitions, Categories, Knowledge Representation.Luigi Ceccaroni, Anne Bowser & Peter Brenton - 2017 - In Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
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  45. Estetica: Teoria della formatività.Luigi Pareyson - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (2):314-315.
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    Reflexive Modernization and Beyond.Luigi Pellizzoni - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (4):99-125.
    The relationship between knowledge and values, experts and lay people, represents a major issue of the debate involving environment and technology. There is a growing awareness that the connection between value commitments and technical solutions, scientific expertise and lay competence, is much more entangled than once was believed. The article deals with this issue by analysing Robert Dahl's `minipopulus' and Silvio Funtowicz and Jerry Ravetz's `extended peer communities' arguments. They are subsequently inserted into the sociological debate which is, at present, (...)
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    L'ombra della sovranità: da Hobbes a Canetti e ritorno.Luigi Alfieri - 2021 - [Rome]: Treccani.
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    Estetica: teoria della formatività.Luigi Pareyson - 2002 - Zanichelli.
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    Verità e interpretazione.Luigi Pareyson - 2005 - Ugo Mursia Editore.
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    Norberto Bobbio tra diritto e politica.Norberto Bobbio, Gustavo Zagrebelsky & Pietro Rossi (eds.) - 2005 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
    Introduzione di Pietro Rossi - Bobbio e il diritto di Gustavo Zagrebelsky - Bobbio e la politica di Massimo L. Salvadori - La teoria generale del diritto di Riccardo Guastini - La teoria generale della politica. Per la ricostruzione del "modello bobbiano" di Michelangelo Bovero - Realismo politico e dottrina dello Stato di Pier Paolo Portinaro - Le relazioni tra gli Stati di Luigi Bonanate - Gli autori - Indice dei nomi.
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